Grant Programs

CNIP Food Hubs Farm to School Healthy Refrigeration Urban Ag

Urban Agriculture Grant Program

Welcome to CDFA’s Office of Farm to Fork Urban Agriculture Grant Program!

The California Department of Food and Agriculture's (CDFA) Urban Agriculture Grant Program (UAGP) was a one-time only, competitive grant that funded programs and projects that enhance the viability of urban agriculture in urban areas across the state of CA.

Urban Agriculture refers to the cultivation, processing, and distribution of agricultural products in urban settings, including things like inground small plot cultivation, raised beds, vertical production, warehouse farms, mushroom growing, urban forestry and tree care, community gardens, rooftop farms, hydroponic, aeroponic, and aquaponic facilities, and other innovations. Urban farmers and gardeners work among diverse populations to expand access to nutritious foods, foster community engagement, offer workforce development opportunities, educate communities about food and farming, and expand green spaces.

CDFA defines "urban" as a geographic area no more than 25 miles adjacent to or outside of one Urbanized Area containing a population of 50,000 or more people.

Priority was given to urban agriculture projects led by or serving priority populations. Priority Populations was identified using the California Air Resources Board’s California Climate Investments Priority Populations map.

CDFA awarded $11,670,000 in proposals through this solicitation.

Grant Award Recipients & Announcement

CDFA's Office of Farm to Fork is excited to announce the Urban Agriculture Grant Program awarded $11.67 million to 33 projects across California that enhance the viability of urban agriculture.

View the list of CDFA Urban Agriculture Grant Program Award Recipients

Press Release: CDFA Awards $11.67 Million For Urban Agriculture Projects Across California

Grant Program Recipients Resources
Track 1 Grantees' Subaward Programs – Now Open

Urban Agriculture Grant Program Application Information

View the Request for Applications (RFA) for the full grant program details, including eligibility and funding information for each Track.

Grant Timeline
AmpliFund Grants Portal Information
Public Comment Period — View Comments and Responses
Two Funding Tracks
What Can This Funding Be Used For?
Who is Eligible to Apply?
Questions and Answers
Information Session Webinars


Please email CDFA’s Urban Ag Program Lead at

Farming spinach

Program Status

Unfortunately, due to a lack of funding, the Urban Agriculture Grant Program is now closed and will not be offering further grant rounds. To keep an eye out for potential future grant rounds and program updates, subscribe to our mailing list.

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